Last Updated on September 29, 2023 by higherring
Sprouted foods have so many benefits, but only if they are actually sprouted.
So, as you know, our farmers grow a specific variety of oat seed and they also don’t heat treat the oats. That’s why the protein is so high. This also ensures that the enzymes stay intact. That’s why you always need to cook the oats first.

A couple of years ago our farmers reached out to a sprouted flour company to see if they wanted to buy their oats because they spout really well due to not being heat treated.
The company said, no, no your prices are too high. We’re going to buy from this other set of oat farmers. Our farmer said, well you know that they heat treat their oats, so they won’t sprout. The company, the sprouted flour company, said yes, we know. We just soak them and if they don’t sprout, we don’t worry about it.
Oof! So, here’s what we all need to do. If you are buying sprouted products, contact the company and ask them to send you a picture of the sprouting process. You want to see those little growths coming out!
Written by Colleen Kavanagh, Founder of A Better Course and ZEGO LLC, July 29, 2022.
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