Last Updated on January 19, 2021 by Colleen

Healthy Snacks + Family Fitness
We appreciate safe, healthy snacks to fuel our family activities and movement! To encourage family movement invite the kids to join you in a dance party, Yoga, Piyo, walks, roller skating, riding a bike or maybe handstands. Whatever your movement is it’s better than no movement.
We encourage all to have a dance party and use hashtag #zegodanceparty.
We always follow our dance parties with a healthy snack.
What’s your healthy to go snack?

Food for Thought by Stephanie Labile, @SweetOrganicLiving
I’m Stephanie – A wife and mother of two beautiful, loving little girls born with many severe and life threatening food allergies. We live a sweet organic everyday life. Sharing our journey with Celiac disease, unspecified muscular dystrophy, EOE, FPIES, EDS (connective tissue disease) GERD, Gtube feedings and Autism. My goal is to advocate, bake, blog and love! My husband, Giovanni, has been one of my greatest supports in providing our family with what we need. Living off one income is no easy task, but we manage because we love our daughters.
Why we love ZEGO foods? We have so many restrictions on life and foods that when I found ZEGO products in the early days of the company’s life it was a life save. With the years ZEGO has been around it has grown to add more products without adding additives like other companies. ZEGO’s motto is PEACE OF MIND, that what I get from using ZEGO products “Peace of mind”. No allergens, no glysophate, no chemicals, no heavy metals, just delicious products to fuel my family’s bodies.
Follow Stephanie on Instagram @sweetorganicliving
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