Last Updated on May 30, 2024 by higherring

Enjoy the delicious, robust flavor of our Double Protein Gluten Free Organic Oats and their superior digestibility! They’re perfect for traditional morning oatmeal, high protein cookies, pizza crust or tortillas, and so much more.
Better Taste
Did you know oats are supposed to have a flavor? Commercial oats are heat processed (steamed) before you get them which takes away their flavor. Our oats are full of delicious oat flavor because they aren’t cooked until YOU cook them, and so they retain their earthy goodness. The flakes are more delicate than other oats creating a creamy oatmeal texture with a nice chew or a very crunchy cookie. Reminder to always cook raw oats (see our Muesli for cold preparations like overnight oats).
Superior Nutrition
Our organic Double Protein Oats are purity protocol gluten free (the highest GF standard) and have about twice the protein of typical rolled oats (10g per 48g serving v. 5-6g) and 20%-40% more fiber, which means they have a lower glycemic load.
How are our oats so high in protein? Our high protein is a natural feature of the variety of oats our farmers grown, which was selected due to its high protein content and growing height (see Purity Protocol info below). This higher protein is retained because we do not heat process the oats before rolling them out for you. Our oats hulls are very loose and fall off during harvest, whereas other brands have to steam their grains to remove the hulls, which decreases protein content.
What about anti nutrients, mycotoxins, and enzyme activity bitterness? Because our oats are raw, their natural enzymes are still active, and that activity can result varying levels of bitterness in the raw product. The good news is that those enzymes are preventing the development of anti nutrients like phytates that can interfere with nutrient absorption and cause digestive upset. In addition, because our oat hulls are naturally extremely loose around the grain, they also have much lower mycotoxins than other typical hulled oat grains. You should always cook any kind of oats and especially raw oats. This will neutralize the bitterness from the enzyme activity.
More Special Features
What is Purity Protocol Gluten Free? How does it prevent cross contact? The variety of oats our farmers grow is significantly shorter than wheat and barley and other invading grains. As the plants grow, but before they sprout grains, the farm workers hand pick any tall sprouts from the field – removing the potential of cross contract in the field. GF oats from other brands rely 100% on their sorting machinery to sift out the glutenous grains. But because our farmers prevent the grains from getting into the harvest, our oats are much, much cleaner (we test to 5PPM). As an added precaution, we test our our batches for allergen (peanut, soy, dairy) and gluten cross contact to ensure there are no measurable amounts.
About Our Farms
Our oats are grown by a specific group of farmers in the western region of the U.S. who use purity protocol growing methods and agree not to use the toxic chemicals glyphosate or paraquat on their adjacent conventional fields.
How to Use Double Protein Oats
+ As oatmeal, boil 2 parts water with a small pinch of salt, stir in 1 part oats and simmer 10 minutes (stovetop is better than microwave). But don’t stop there, with a little attention, ZEGO’s Double Protein Oats will be your new favorite food in your pantry!
+ You must COOK raw oats (or at least combine them with boiling water) to break the bitterness of the enzymes but we have found you can use them in protein balls with stronger flavors like chocolate and raspberry without cooking.
+ Check out our recipes and find our Oat Carrot Cookies, High Protein Pizza Crust, Double Protein Vegan Tacos and Tortillas and more.
+ Makes an incredibly creamy oat milk too but is a bit different (cover oats in boiling water and let sit 15 minutes before adding to cold water in blender). After straining, enjoy the remaining oat “meal” as breakfast porridge with your favorite seeds or nuts for added crunch, dried fruit for sweetness and nutrition, or use as baby food).
+ If you love overnight oats or oat milk, simply pour boiling water over them first. Let sit for 15 minutes before refrigeration.
+ Do not toast dry or soak in cold liquid as that will enhance enzyme activity.
Why do we test for agricultural chemicals in organic oats? Our oats are organic, but we know that toxic chemicals can drift from surrounding fields and waterways. To prevent this, our farmers sign contracts not to use glyphosate or paraquat on their conventional oat fields. We also test the oats for over 400 agricultural conventional chemicals and glyphosate. Scan the QR code on any package to see the purity test results for your oat package and the list of the 400 chemicals we test for or see the results in our Food Safety section on our website.
See Test Results for this product
Allergen Statement
Made in a Top 12 Allergy Free Facility, No Soy, No Peanut, No Tree Nuts, No Sesame, No Dairy, No Egg, No Mustard, No Sea Creatures, No Wheat, No Gluten, No Sulfites, No Corn On Equipment, No Preservatives
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