Last Updated on June 7, 2021 by higherring
Listen in as Drs. G and Sam Talk with ZEGO’s Founder Colleen on How to to Make Sure Your Oats Are Good for You

Have you noticed? Oats are HOT these days!
Seriously. Just look at TikTok and Instagram.
At the same time, no doubt you’ve read about toxins in oats and are wondering if oats are good for you.
This videocast will answer all your questions and more!
Meet Drs. G and Sam: Two Naturopaths with a Passion for Your Wellness
Dr. Christian Gonzalez @dr.christian.gonzalez and Dr. Sam Faramanzi @dr.sam.nd started a new wellness videocast “How You Livin” to help you optimize your health. You may know Dr. G from his popular podcast Heal Thyself. In this episode of their new video-cast wellness series, they sit down with ZEGO’s founder Colleen Kavanagh to dive deep into their question about toxins in oats and whether oatmeal is good for you or not.
What will you learn in this episode?
- Are oats good for you?
- What toxins do you need to watch out for with oats?
- How do you choose the right oats so you get their maximum nutrition benefits?
- Why are Drs. G and Sam such huge fans of ZEGO?
- Why testing for toxins and accessible transparency for consumers is important.
- How do we know ZEGO’s oats are safe from toxins?
- What makes ZEGO’s oats good for you? (Read more in our full blog on this topic.)
Enjoy this episode of “How You Livin” and be sure to subscribe so you get all their wellness knowledge bombs.
Here are some snippets to give you insights into what you’ll hear in this episode, “Toxins in Oats.”
For oats, Paraquat is a huge issue. . . . Our farmers sign contracts that they won’t use Paraquat on their organic or conventional fields. Paraquat is a chemical used in labs to induce Parkinson’s in rats.
Colleen Kavanagh, ZEGO founder
You are trying to change the world. It’s not just about how ZEGO is showing up and how your brand is standing out. It’s really about how are you going to elevate the health of the world.
– Dr. Sam Faramarzi, ND
ZEGO sets a new standard for all of us.
Dr. Christian Gonzalez, ND
[I started ZEGO because] I wanted to hand consumers the answer, “here is good, clean food for you,” and tell them about the type of purity they should be expecting brands to provide them in their food and show them how to advocate for it. It’s only through consumers demanding it that we’ll get the entire system to change.
Colleen Kavanagh, ZEGO founder
Colleen Kavanagh is the founder and CEO of ZEGO, a company that seeks to inspire changes in the food system so it better nourishes all people and our planet. She spent 20 years working to better nourish low-income children through improved public policies and programs, working for Congressman George Miller in Washington, DC and various anti-hunger nonprofits. She founded the nonprofit In 2013, she decided the only way to better nourish the most vulnerable is to leverage consumer demand through the marketplace to regenerating the food system and protect the most vulnerable. And that, lead to her starting ZEGO.
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